Thursday, 1 December 2016

Brain washed

I think I need to disclaimer this one before we begin. My brain is shot, you’ll find out why shortly. Typos are inevitable. Enjoy.

Since July, I have had two cycles of spinal radiotherapy. There were tumours and deposits nestling among my spine, their metastasising tentacles playing havoc with my nerves and really causing an awful lot of discomfort. The radiotherapy helps. It removes the pain, and my life has continued with only the minor drama of figuring out how to continue it.

So success, I would say, radiotherapy has been successful. Certainly for quality of life, despite the rampant fatigue follows. It is a tiredness so numbing that I forget the cause of it. Usually, I end up curled up on the floor in a tight little ball sobbing “why am I so tired?” And Hodgkin’s lymphoma is rather susceptible to radiotherapy, so I am fortunate that I only require five days of zapping at a time, at a rather low ‘dose’. Others must suffer far worse than I.  But despite my low radiotherapy dose, the spine itself has a limit as to how much radiation it can receive. After my September zapping I was reaching that threshold. If, or when, the spinal masses return I’ll need to increase my pain tolerance, because I won’t have the luxury of further spinal radiotherapy.

This means I have been having a little trouble trying to ascertain which symptoms I ought to be reporting, and which are just little niggles that become over-hyped in my obsessive anatomical monitoring. I mean nobody wants to hear about my bowels. Although, as a side note, the hospice has quite a helpful pamphlet on the issue, with tips on toilet posture and breathing. Anyway, despite over-monitoring, the biggest issue I have is admitting the symptoms to myself. A little bit of courage is required to mention that this stiff neck that I have had for four weeks or so, has now morphed into a two week headache. And the headache is starting to wear me down a bit. Maybe, maybe I should have reported that. It wasn’t until my tongue refused to obey my commands when chewing or speaking that I thought some symptoms may have gone a little far.

The hypoglossal nerve is a cranial nerve which runs from the brainstem, through a canal, before linking back into the spinal cord. It only deals with motor-function. If the nerve suffers pressure, from say a lymph node, the tongue tends to stray to the affected side. Right now, if I were to poke my tongue at you, it would skew to the right like a cartoon puppy. If I were to read to you, I would have the slur of a cartoon cat. Rather comical really. If it were caused merely by a lymph node and if the bloody pain would go away.  

A hospice nurse calls me once a week, just to check in and what have you. I am still acclimatising myself to the hospice system. Most of the time I am too healthy to require any services, except perhaps emotional ones. And I am quite young within the Nelson community as a whole (Hospice aside) so am not really sure where I fit in. But they call, and they are always there, and that is possibly all I really need. For some reason, the day the nurse called, I was sore and restless and maybe feeling a little bit brave, so I mentioned this neck pain and unruly tongue. It turns out that puppy dog tongues aren’t so cute, and Looney Tunes has fallen out of fashion since we all grew up and realised the entire show was casual racism. Or just flat out racism. Even in this post-Trump world, my new facial expressions and lingo just would not do.

It is odd how things then escalate. I wouldn’t say that it was panic, it was more rush. I have fortnightly immunotherapy trips to Wellington. Every second Tuesday. This call was on like a Thursday. I had been sitting on these symptoms for a couple of weeks. It made perfect sense to me just to wait until Tuesday. But no. Whizzed up to Wellington A&E on a Saturday, admitted into the ward to wait for a MRI scan. Although I was pretty jolly healthy, all things considered, I needed to be an inpatient to get the scan quickly. Otherwise I would be waiting weeks. It seems an odd system. We found ourselves in one of those teeth-clenching, tweeked out situations. Rush, rush. Wait, wait, wait. Earthquake. Rush. Wait. Scan, wait. Results, rush. Wait. I am sure you get the picture. I am simply terrible under those circumstances. The air turns dense, forcing itself upon my shoulders, my arms, and my legs. I was a wreck. It wasn’t the fear of the scan, or the results, or the implications, it was merely the unknown. The rushing, and sitting, and rushing and for what? I found myself in a space where I was desperately trying to pass time. Yet time is meant to be so precious to me. I guess I lost the ability to enjoy the time I had available. That can be dangerous.

Scan results always come with decisions. In an ideal world, my nerve was merely being pinched by a lymph node. But it does not take more than a quick gaze at global events to realise that the world is falling apart, and I am unsure if I even understand what the word ‘ideal’ means anymore. We were again in a rush situation. It seemed I had to make an on the spot decision as to treatment right there in the ward, the fifth floor ward, swaying with the frequent aftershocks. This is kinda how it went down for me. So, well yes there is a lymph node involved, but actually the pesky bloody lymphoma has found its way into the brainstem. Shit. The upside, my symptoms replicated what they were seeing on the scan and targeted radiotherapy would, at the very least, stop progression. Ok, cool, targeted radiotherapy to the brainstem. I can do that. Yup, fatigue for a bit, but not too long, sure, yup, I’ll do it. Hmmm, but yeah there is something else. There is this other patch, on the scan, unrelated to your symptoms. It isn’t quite in your brain yet, more in the membrane around your brain. But it is close to your frontal lobe. Huh. So the options you have are to target the sight causing the symptoms, or, entire brain radiotherapy to remove any other cancerous cells. Entire brain radiotherapy will leave you with at least six weeks of chronic fatigue, fatigue you could only dream about. If you are lucky enough to dream. Targeted radiotherapy will give you far less fatigue. Decision please? My Scottish sister clutches her chair as a larger aftershock hits. She is out of practice.

I won’t draw it out any longer. The decision switched three or four times as the differing medical teams decided which option was best. It was ten minutes before my planned radiotherapy session when Mike and I found out how much brain was going to be zapped. Whole brain radiotherapy was the answer. It would be too difficult to match symptoms if the lymphoma breached the brain membrane in the future. Best to get rid of all the cells now, you’ll get to enjoy the rest of your life with a numb brain, but hey, at least you’ll keep your vision. And it will lower the chance of a stroke. And the numerous other benefits of keeping Hodgkin’s lymphoma out of the frontal lobe. Really, it is a no-brainer. Groan away.

So now I have had my brain zapped, five times, which is nothing on what the poor bastards with brain tumours have to go through. A few guys I have met were doing it for six weeks. I am in awe. I honestly feel like my brain has been pureed. My thought processes are so slow that it feels like the world is on fast forward. Most of the time it is amusing, like a trip or something, and I watch the world spaced out, boggled by the smallest of incidents. But then I am required to do something tricky, like say words that make sense, and I freak out a bit. All of the brain guys are going through worse than me, far worse, I salute you. You’re getting me through my self-absorbed fatigue phase.

Losing my hair again, just in time for summer
I ought to write about the actual radiotherapy sessions. It is different, having it done to the head, rather than to spine and the abdomen. They mould a mesh mask to you, for one thing, then the mask is clamped to the bed. I panicked a little when the mask was being made. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to breathe so I kept my mouth ajar at an odd angle. The mask is mesh, as I said, so air supply was not at all a problem. Keeping my mouth at an odd angle for twenty minutes each session was more of an issue. Your eyes must remain closed throughout the session, and there was a vague smell, like faint gas mixed with an overheating appliance. Anyway, to the head is different, and more frightening, and kids do it.

This is where this post turns selfish. The biggest difference is the fatigue. I am going to try and explain it here, in the hope that I will stop going on about it in the real world. Because it seems to be all I talk about, it is all I think about, and those dealing with me on a day to day basis must be pretty bloody sick of it. I have become so self-involved that it hurts. I know gradually over this entire illness I have been sinking into selfishness. But right now it is pretty close to consuming me. This fatigue is unlike anything I have ever experienced. It isn’t ‘oh take nap’ fatigue. The nap won’t help. It is like I am in a constant state of inebriation. Without being jolly. Well, sometimes I am jolly. All those little tiny choices you make, daily, without even knowing you’re making them, I now actually have to think about them. Like really fucking think. I have never been very decisive anyway, so deciding whether to wear pyjama trousers or track pants is excruciating. Because the answer is probably wear shorts. And then I freak out.

That scenario, which is not exaggerated, only relates to me internally. Now let’s try inserting these flawed thought processes into social situations. Or having to make a decision for someone else. Fuck me. I have just returned from a pretty spectacular fail in regards to a catch-up lunch. I can’t, like, pick a table or a cafĂ© or even really cross the road, and I can’t remember time at all, so I can’t remember when I last saw someone or whether it was last week that I had radiotherapy (it was because I’ve just looked it up) or even figure out that in three months massive things that don’t involve me having fucking radiotherapy could have existed in somebody else’s life. I haven’t figured out how to tell people that what was cognitively normal last week is now impossible. Not a slow demise. A giant collapse. I need a TFL badge or something. So I guess this is the selfish bit, where I openly apologise to everyone and say I am trying, but I don’t know the best route home, and I can’t choose a flavour of potato chip.

I am unsure if I have conveyed how smooshed I feel. This post is poorly written. I know it is. I know the grammar is poor and the tense changes are difficult to read. I know I have used many words incorrectly. I have tried to write clearly, but I know it is not of good quality. And I cannot fix it, which is very difficult for me to accept. But that is where my brain is at. The next post will be more fun. I promise. I mean, I am pretty sure I have smashed the world record time for eating a packet of Tim Tam Classics. There could be a time challenge brewing.        
10 December 2016
So because I cannot remember a bloody thing, I had to re-read this post to prevent severe repetition in future posts. I can’t promise there won’t be repetition, but it I can say that I have done all I can to minimise it. Anyway, as I was reading away, I had to stop myself from proofreading this entry. I realised that if I corrected the errors, the purpose of the post would be lost. But there is a paragraph that doesn’t make much sense, so I have tidied it up:

Scan results always come with decisions. In an ideal world, my nerve was merely being pinched by a lymph node. But it does not take more than a quick gaze at global events to realise that the world is falling apart, and I am unsure if I even understand what the word ‘ideal’ means anymore. We were again in a rush situation. It seemed I had to make an on the spot decision as to treatment right there in the ward, the fifth floor ward, which was swaying with the frequent aftershocks. This is kinda how it went down for me: "So, well yes there is a lymph node involved, but actually the pesky bloody lymphoma has found its way into your brainstem." Shit. "The upside, your symptoms replicate what we are seeing on the scan and targeted radiotherapy will, at the very least, stop further progression." Ok, cool, targeted radiotherapy to the brainstem. I can do that. Yup, fatigue for a bit, but not too long, sure, yup, I’ll do it. "Hmmm, but yeah there is something else. There is this other patch, on the scan, unrelated to your symptoms. It isn’t quite in your brain yet, more in the membrane around your brain. But it is close to your frontal lobe." Huh. "So the options you have are to target the site causing the symptoms, or, entire brain radiotherapy to remove any other cancerous cells. Entire brain radiotherapy will leave you with at least six weeks of chronic fatigue, fatigue you could only dream about. If you are lucky enough to dream. Targeted radiotherapy will give you far less fatigue. Decision please?" My Scottish sister clutches her chair as a larger aftershock hits. She is out of practice. 

1 comment:

  1. You must be kidding - how the hell do you write this well with a mushy brain??
    I think you are f'n awesome.


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